Airfoam manufactures sustainable and budget-friendly building insulation, geofoam, flotation and other construction solutions. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is about 98% Air and has always been free of formaldehyde and CFC, HCFC & HFC gases.
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Airfoam delivers many building envelope insulation solutions at the highest R-value per dollar over other insulation products. With low environmental impacts and stable R-values, resilient EPS resists moisture and is ideal for continuous insulation applications that can all but eliminate the risk of condensation, rot and mold. Most Airfoam products are available in various thicknesses & strengths to meet any project requirements - from underslab to the roof.
Airfoam offers a wide range of high-performance EPS roof insulation products for new and re-roofing needs. EPS insulation retains its original R-value over the long life of buildings while most other foam materials only get 80-90% of original R-value because the greenhouse gases they use diffuse over time. Airfoam Roof Insulation offers the ultimate in long-term energy efficiency for your roof assembly systems.
Geofoam is a geotechnical fill material used as an alternative to soil or other materials in many engineered applications, such as road & slope stabilization. Extremely lightweight Geofoam is cost effective & fast, usually eliminating pilings, surcharging, preloading, and staging that's needed with other materials. Geofoam resists moisture, decomposition and many adverse conditions for predictable stress-strain behavior over long service periods.
Airfoam Flotation Billets are the most cost effective buoyancy material in the market providing superior performance and long-term stability for virtually any commercial or residential floatation application. Ideal for docks, marinas, boathouses, swim rafts and piers, Airfoam Flotation Billets can be factory-shaped to your specific needs for fast installation into your flotation assemblies.
EPS insulation is the most cost-effective way to add value to buildings.
Research confirms that the best energy solution is to stop wasting it in buildings and nothing comes close to the net income (not cost) of improved building insulation.
"More than half of all Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in Vancouver come from building operations, so the City has set a target that all new construction will be GHG neutral by 2030." Mayor Gregor Robertson, City of Vancouver